They say there are two types of happiness. One is the kind of happiness that you only realize after the moment passes. The other is a happiness you feel at the very moment.
- Episode 16, Dream High

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Saturday, April 30, 2016

Good times..

Hehe so its almost 2 AM and I have to wake up around 9 AM to buy tickets for GOT7 (YAYYY #GETWELLSOONJB) buttttttt while I was on youtube, I ended up looking at this video. This video is mostly based on what ""white"" people think about Koreans who appear in Youtube videos. Thus, this is mostly a hate reaction video which caught my attention. Most of the things mentioned in this video is practically things that I experience in daily, as an Asian. I don't want to go too deep into this type of rant, but it's something that's becoming a bigger problem on social media. ALL IN ALL, YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY WATCH THIS BECAUSE THERE ARE TWO GIRLS (THE GIRL IN THE PINK SWEATER AND THE GIRL IN THE WHITE SWEATER ARE THE FUNNIEST) 
-- this video is good if you need something to cheer you up or just something to watch !! -- 
*not in any way associated with the video, there are cuss words in the captions* 

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