They say there are two types of happiness. One is the kind of happiness that you only realize after the moment passes. The other is a happiness you feel at the very moment.
- Episode 16, Dream High

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Saturday, April 16, 2016

GOT7 Fanqueen....

(No sort of promo is affiliated, I just found this video through my Youtube suggestions and I thought wow.. this is really funny LOL) 

LOL SO I KNOW A LOT OF MY POSTS HAVE BEEN ABOUT GOT7 AND IM REALLY REALLY REALLY SORRY FOR THAT... on a brighter note, I would like to express my love for this video. It's basically a 'don't laugh challenge.' I thought I wasn't going to laugh, but.... I couldn't LOL there are some parts where you're just like..... 

Heads up: there is vulgar language and some actions 
(once again, this is not my video, but simply one that I found merely searching through Youtube) 

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